
Are Modern Diets Destroying Your Sex Drive? nutrition

As I enjoyed the Seattle Seahawks game live last Sunday I was struck by an announcement running in the guys washroom. It was talking about how “advanced” the nutrition systems in schools have become…offering a wide range of “low fat” selections and other garbage the...

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Is Quinoa An Erection Food? nutrition

Quinoa might just be the perfect erection food.  Like kale or Goji berries, quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is one of those foods that have become UBER-popular in the last few years.

Admittedly, until I started to really examine men’s health issues I had no idea how many guys suffer from...

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How to Increase Growth Hormone Naturally fitness

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is one of the most important hormones in the body. It plays a vital role in the development of muscle and bone mass, and it encourages the production of IGF-1 in your liver and muscles. The production of IGF-1 is necessary for muscle growth, as it helps to increase the...

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The Solution for Building Bigger Shoulders fitness

The Important Facts About Building Bigger Shoulders

  1. In order to be serious about building bigger shoulders you should understand that your shoulders are a very complex yet highly unstable joint. They need to be taken seriously if you want to add size.
  2. Leaving them out and relying on your...
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Persistence and Perseverance – 2 Critical Keys for Success motivation

When I blew out my knee for the 4th time in my life…I actually thought it might be the last. That my career was over.

I was on a track with my Police Dog Rogue. We were pursuing a suspect who had committed a robbery and then dumped the vehicle near the edge of a forest and fled on foot.


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How To Win A Fight or Home Invasion fitness

Do you know how to win a fight or do you ever wonder if you have the skills to defeat someone who is attacking you, or has entered your home? Watch this video to grab a common sense yet very effective method for crushing your opponent.

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What NOT to do when trying to Lose Belly Fat nutrition

When we talk about “healthy weight loss” and belly fat, we’re not just talking about dropping a few pounds. You can be close to a “normal” weight but still be wildly unhealthy. The true measure of your fitness has nothing to do with the number on your scale. It has...

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Best Ways to Prevent Aging nutrition

So what are the best ways to prevent aging? Read on to discover some very solid strategies to recapture the glory days. I for one don’t necessarily want to live longer, but I do want to be doing the same things at 80 as I do at 45 years old.

Getting older is a drag. All guys would like to...

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Aromatase and Testosterone Production nutrition

When it comes to Aromatase and building Testosterone, guys tend to have a narrow view of optimizing this hormone. Although they recognize the need to boost T, they forget about Testosterone’s rival: Estrogen. If you ever want to achieve the most anabolic body possible, then keeping down...

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How to get rid of Chest Fat fitness

If you have been battling man boobs, here’s a few suggestions. The fact is most men don’t take pride in their physiques. With obesity being an epidemic, and low testosterone levels rampant, men can become frustrated and annoyed by their bodies.

An even more distressing issue that...

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Ordinary People Extraordinary Courage motivation

As I walked into the Staff Sergeant’s office to drop off a mitt full of paperwork he had the news on the television.

I had an impaired driver in custody at the station and the paperwork takes about 4 hours…crazy.

The date was Sept 11, 2001.

The coverage was of a building on fire. The...

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The Positive Effects of Nitric Oxide on Natural Testosterone Production nutrition

So you are interested in Nitric Oxide…Well If you’ve seen any of the Fast and Furious movies, no doubt you’ll remember the scenes when the heroes are racing against villains and they press a button labeled “NOS”. The moment they press the button, the...

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