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Aromatase and Testosterone Production

nutrition Mar 31, 2023

When it comes to Aromatase and building Testosterone, guys tend to have a narrow view of optimizing this hormone. Although they recognize the need to boost T, they forget about Testosterone’s rival: Estrogen. If you ever want to achieve the most anabolic body possible, then keeping down estrogen is crucial.

There are a number of ways to do this. These may include eating anti-estrogen foods, focusing on habits that reduce estrogen, but also making sure to reduce aromatase in the body. A lot of guys may have never heard of aromatase, but it’s an important enzyme that can wreak havoc if not controlled.

What is Aromatase?

Aromatase is the enzyme that is responsible for the synthesis of estrogen in the body. To make matters worse, this estrogen is created by converting testosterone and other male androgens into estrogen—talk about a cruel joke. Your vital Testosterone is virtually stolen from you and you must not let this happen!

While it is a naturally occurring substance in the body, and plays an important role, too much aromatase can cause increased estrogen which is detrimental for men. The main issue with too much estrogen is well known. It leads a loss of that ‘manly’ edge guys are looking for in the way of muscle, strength, and vitality. However, estrogen also leads to other health issues for men like prostate issues, as well as gynecomastia (discussed below). Estrogens, both from synthetic products and dietary habits, are all too common and there proliferation can do a lot more damage than feeling weak.

Effects of Aromatase Inhibition

Aromatase inhibitors, as you may have guessed, are used to reduce the amount of estrogen in the body. They work by inhibiting the action of the aromatase enzyme, which prevents estrogen from proliferating in the body.

They are in fact used by medical professionals to target situations where excess estrogen is present One such example is gynecomastia (swelling of breast tissue) in men. You may have noticed this in men who are overweight or just looking ‘soft’. This is a clear-cut sign that aromatase and estrogen have taken over.

As you can see, aromatase is something that guys must pay attention to and do everything they can to reduce its presence in the body.

Making Use of Aromatase Inhibitors

Aromatase inhibiters are potent. They work by attaching themselves to the aromatase enzymes, rendering it useless, allowing testosterone to float freely in your body. And while these prescription aromatase inhibitors are effective, they are not that common as they are usually associated wit HRT protocols.

So although there are medications out there that can lower aromatase activity, it’s a good idea to start out with a natural approach. Not only is this easier, but it will allow you to focus on a more natural and wholesome lifestyle in general, which will do wonders for T levels.

Here are a few foods that inhibit aromatase and will help keep estrogen at bay:

  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Although not most people’s favorite tasting vegetable, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and other cruciferous vegetables are potent aromatase-inhibitors. Broccoli contains 3,3′-Diindolylmethane (DIM), a chemical compound, helps to break down and metabolize estrogen in the body. Additionally, these cruciferous vegetables help to detoxify the liver which helps to break down cells easier.
  • Celery: Despite its meek appearance, celery packs a punch. It contributes to T production through androtestrone, but also keeps down aromatase activity through a little known flavonoid named Luteolin.
  • Mushrooms (white Button): A number of studies have concluded that these mushrooms can limit aromatase activity. One study concluded that,” …diets high in mushrooms may modulate aromatase activity and function… by reducing the… production of estrogen.”
  • Red Wine: Scientists and health practitioners have been raving about the effects of resveratrol, a chemical compound found in red wine. You may know that excess alcohol consumption will do a lot of damage to hormone levels, but a glass or two of red wine may actually help combat estrogen. If red wine isn’t your thing, grab a quality resveratrol supplement.
  • Oysters: These are commonly known as the most powerful of the aphrodisiacs. The reason for this is that it contains a lot of zinc—more so than any other food. Zinc is a crucial mineral for men, and has strong effects on inhibiting aromatase. A zinc supplement works fine if you don’t like oysters.
  • Olive Oil: This is great for T levels as it contains monounsaturated fats which are great for men’s hormonal profiles. Olive oil also contains a natural phenol Oleuropein which has aromatase inhibiting properties. Olive oil is great on foods and salads, so there’s no reason you can’t get your fill.
  • Alium Family (E.g. Garlic and Onions): These foods are rich in amino acids with powerful antioxidant properties that allow the liver to break down estrogen at higher rates. Add them to your meals for a powerful punch.

What about herbs?

There are definitely some herbs and spices out there that will help at inhibiting aromatase production. The most common means of doing so is by ingesting spices that help promote a heath liver, which includes herbs like turmeric, thyme, and oregano. Consider adding these to your meals.

How to Use These Natural Aromatase Inhibtors

As you’ll notice, several of the foods listed above are packed with nutrients, and are nutritious foods that you should be eating anyway! Start by adding them to meals regularly, such as cooking broccoli for dinner, or pouring olive oils over foods.

Additionally, you can take supplements where necessary. If the foods above aren’t your favorite, then consuming a high-quality supplement will be okay, just know that natural, whole foods are the way to go. Just make sure to consult with a medical professional if you want to take something like resveratrol.


Reducing the amount of aromatase in your body is one of the best things you can do as a man to boost our T levels. And the best way to do this is by consuming the aforementioned foods and supplementing where necessary to ensure that you are limiting aromatase in the body