
Self Growth – 5 Simple Steps motivation

Self Growth is one of the main jobs all leaders have and should seek to model good habits to those around them.

You can go blue in the face trying to tell people that they need to grow and improve, but no one’s going to put in any effort if they don’t see you doing it first. However,...

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Be Productive and Avoid Burnout motivation

Being a hardworking, productive person is very likely a huge part of what put you on your current leadership track. After all, it’s reasonable to believe your bosses saw everything you did and believed that you were capable of doing more. 

It’s easy to get trapped within the...

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6 Steps To Convince Anyone To Follow Your Advice motivation

How many times do people come to you for advice, only to simply go on with their lives and totally ignore the advice you gave them?

Sadly, it happens far too often!

People like to ask others for advice typically as a sounding board to run their own ideas past someone else, rather than genuinely...

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How To Make Good Decisions motivation

We make hundreds (or thousands) of decisions every day.

Some are big decisions that affect the rest of our lives. Others are small decisions that only affect the now. Most are somewhere in between, with consequences that often extend farther than we might have imagined at the time.

Regardless of...

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How To Take The Hard Candy motivation

How to Hear and Process Difficult Feedback in a productive way can be a very challenging thing.

Let’s be honest: none of us really enjoy hearing difficult feedback.

I’m not talking about feedback that is filled with praise and compliments at a job well done. We all like knowing...

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Toxic Boss – Is this You? motivation

There is nothing worse than a toxic boss. We all know the dangers of working in a toxic workplace and around toxic people, but what if you’re the source of that toxicity?

That’s a pretty harsh realization to come to, and definitely not an easy one.

No one wants to consider...

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Hating Quarantine? Try This motivation

Hating the Quarantine? This should help you  feel better. 

We’re settling in for the long haul with this pandemic, locking ourselves indoors in order to protect our families and loved ones. But, as with any type of social isolation, it’s normal to feel what experts call the...

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Are you a Leader with NO Title? Good Leadership Explained motivation

Are you a leader with no title or can you be a leader when you aren’t the boss? Good leadership is constantly demonstrated from any position on a team or in a workplace.

When we think of leadership, most of us immediately imagine ourselves leading from a position of power and...

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Stay Safe and Sane During A Crisis motivation

That happened fast didn’t it? There’s no denying it: the world is in crisis right now!

Companies are closing their doors (temporarily) and laying off employees (some permanently). Commerce has ground to a halt, and nearly every country is going into lockdown mode as we try to fight...

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Speak With Confidence motivation

Speak with confidence and others will follow. Although I had plenty of situations that required public speaking, it always gave me a slight pause. It wasn’t something that came completely naturally.

As a leader, you’ll often be in a position where you have to speak with others.


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Productivity Hacks To Avoid Burnout motivation

Productivity is an essential part of being successful. Being a hardworking, productive person is very likely a huge part of what put you on your current leadership track. After all, it’s reasonable to believe your bosses saw everything you did and believed that you were capable of doing...

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Egos – The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall motivation

Egos: you just can’t avoid them!

If you have managed to avoid wildly bloated egos in the workplace you are a Unicorn. Working with special operations units to life in the private sector AND even my own… working with egotistical maniacal leadership is like managing a mine field. The...

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