
Busting The Protein Myth nutrition

In order to bust the protein myth we have to look at some important factors and ask some questions?

Having just completed a comprehensive nutritional certification in Addition to participating in a mentorship program with Dan Garner, I learned some things I thought I already knew and...

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How To Increase Human Growth Hormone Naturally fitness

Many people want to increase human growth hormone naturally to boost their body’s ability to lose fat and increase muscle mass.

When your human growth hormone (HGH), also known as Growth Hormone (GH), levels are low it can have a very adverse affect on your quality of life, may increase...

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How To Build Mental Toughness Like A Soldier motivation

If you want to build mental toughness like a soldier there are very specific yet incredibly simple steps you can take to transform from a normal human to over achieving rock star  inside of 7 days.

When you commit to build mental toughness it may initially feel like you have to go through...

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Boost Nitric Oxide Levels Naturally nutrition

To boost nitric oxide levels naturally you must first understand what its role and function is in your body.

Nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule produced by the endothelial lining of the blood vessels. When the endothelial lining, or endothelium, detects an increase in blood flow, it dilates the...

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9 Ways Men Can Increase DHEA Naturally nutrition

To Increase your DHEA naturally there are a few fairly easy steps you can take that will have dramatic results. DHEA is one of the most important of the hormones produced by your body. It’s actually MORE important than either testosterone or estrogen. Why is that? Simple: DHEA is the...

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Amino Acids For Men Over 40 nutrition

Amino Acids for men form a critical part of your nutrition strategy.

It’s pretty well understood that protein is needed for building muscle tissue, which is why proteins are a vital component of your daily nutrition.

When you are focused on building muscle, recovering from injury and...

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How Low Testosterone Is Hurting You nutrition

Understanding how low testosterone is potentially hurting you is very important for developing a long term health strategy.

Testosterone is the most important of the male hormones, meaning A LOT of important bodily functions for men are directly linked to testosterone levels.

If your testosterone...

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Force Multipliers and Force Disparity motivation

Force Multipliers and Force Disparity are the topics in this article and there is a very important acronym for you to remember as it relates to the Use of Force .

In combat we define a force multiplier as follows:

A capability that, when added to and employed by a combat force,...

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How To Find Water motivation

How to find water… not a question you want to be asking yourself when you are lost and suddenly find yourself spitting feathers because your mouth is so dry.

If you don’t understand the reference above, turn back the clock, find a youtube video of Sylvester the cat eating Tweetie the...

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How To Develop High Performing Teams motivation

Development of High Performing Teams. 

First let’s begin by defining precisely what a team is. Katzenbach and Smith, in “The Wisdom of Teams” define a team as follows:

… a small number of people with complementary skills committed to a common purpose, performance...

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Train Your Dog To Find Anything motivation

Your dog is an amazing animal capable of learning of some very impressive skills.

There are very few things more primal than tracking another human being.

The ability to track a bad guy who has committed a crime from a scene to where he is hiding takes thousands of hours of training.


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Pour Beer Perfectly and Other Skills motivation

Pour the perfect pint of beer, carry heavy things and properly parallel park are the topics in this week’s skills post.

Listen, I put these together in this post basically to keep you from getting your man card punched.

The last thing I want for you is to be at your backyard BBQ and your...

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