
Interval Training For Fat Loss fitness

The following excerpt – Interval training for fat loss – is a small snippet from Master Coach and Trainer (and good friend) Dan Garner’s Integrity Journal. Dan is a regular contributor here on Nation but I wanted to highlight just 1 page of the 50 + he puts out each month in...

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How To Lift Overhead fitness

Here’s a quick video on proper overhead lifting technique

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Execute The Perfect Hostage Rescue Mission motivation

Hostage Rescue isn’t something you consider when you plan an epic adventure down south with 6 of your best buddies for some Marlin fishing, pints and a lifetime of memories and blockbuster stories that rival even the most thrilling Hollywood adventure.

Listen, sometimes bad things...

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Overcoming Fear – Phase 2 motivation

Overcoming fear requires that you must first understand the phases and how each manifests in your brain. Now, there are as many interpretations of this process as there are stimuli that create fear in the first place, so my intention is to provide some structure from which you can then plan your...

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Is HGH really the Holy Grail Hormone? fitness

Human Growth Hormone or HGH or even GH is an impressive metabolic agent in the body with a variety of functions from fat loss to building lean muscle.
How do you go about maximizing the presence of this hormone within your body, and gain the many advantages it can produce.

Let’s take a...

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Training While Fasted nutrition

Training while fasted is a hot topic in the current world of fast fitness… see what I did there?

The understanding of current concepts and trends often require a more comprehensive look than what is delivered in a 90-second video. While the topic of training while fasted seems on the...

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Fight Flight or Freeze motivation

Fight or Flight is a fairly common concept when it comes to the basic understand of a stress response… but did you know there is another F?

Fight or Flight has a new name… It’s fight flight or freeze.

When we now talk about fight flight or freeze we must also include the...

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Do Vegan Men Have Higher Testosterone? nutrition

The question: Do vegan men have higher testosterone? Isn’t one that I set out to answer on purpose. I came across it accidentally and was a bit shocked by the results of some of the studies I read.

A life without meat isn’t for me, however, many men who face health issues are...

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How Fast Should you Eat? nutrition

How fast should you eat? Or conversely, how slow should you eat? Or does it even matter?

This weeks post is from one of our primary contributors Coach Dan Garner. We are both Precision Nutrition grads and many of the principles are critical to your nutrition.

You can see more from Dan at his...

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Sleep Apps – More Harm than Good? fitness

I treat sleep like my religion. Sleep tracking using sleep apps has taken on an almost cult-like following, prompting app developers to capitalize on the mania.

Here’s the truth about sleep apps and tracking devices, supported by scientific evidence, which reveals that current consumer...

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Evolution of a Leader motivation

Whether you believe leaders are born or leaders are made, the evolution of a leader happens in a very systematic way.

There is a fascinating and appropriate quote by Joe Polish, the creator of the Genius Network, which states:

Get to the point in life where you care more about the success...

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Combat Inflammation Naturally nutrition

Inflammation is the body’s usual physiological response to some form of trauma to your tissue. During a recent nutrition mentorship program, we examined the profound impact inflammation has on your body.

The cause of inflammation may be physical injury, autoimmune issues, bacterial...

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