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How to Stop Viagra or Cialis and Why You Should

nutrition Apr 03, 2023

How to stop Viagra or Cialis is a question that is on many guys minds. They are concerned about the long term health risk.

I would be too.

Viagra and Cialis are the two most commonly-taken erectile drugs for men suffering from erectile difficulties—which affect up to 40% of men over the age of 40, or 70% of men over the age of 70.

I didn’t realize the number of men suffering with this issue was as high as this. What is actually even more concerning is the impact it has on their mental well being.

Here’s the nuts and bolts.

The drugs don’t necessarily treat the underlying causes of ED, but they can deal with the symptoms (weak or short-lasting erections).

However, as with any medication, there are certain dangers to long-term or too-frequent  use which has many men asking how to stop Viagra and Cialis.

Now, as you know I’m not a doctor… In fact my “go to” remedy for any ailment is… “Here’s a Cepacol Lozenge and some gun tape… Now take this and shut the f*!$ UP.”

It didn’t matter whether you had just cut off your finger or broken your femur. That’s the remedy for everything. If you look close enough you can find a way to treat anything with cepacol and gun tape.

Those days are behind me and it seems the answer to all things medical is a more comprehensive intervention.

Below, you’ll find out the basics of Viagra and Cialis, specifically how they work to help you achieve erection.

We’ll also look at a few of the dangers and downsides of these medications, and the reasons why you may want to consider stopping taking them.

Finally, we’ll deal with HOW to stop Viagra or Cialis without negative side effects. By the end of this page, you’ll know everything you need to in order to have a healthy life with healthy erections—with or without Viagra or Cialis.

Viagra 101

Viagra is the brand name for sildenafil, a medication that relaxes the muscles in your blood vessels. By relaxing the blood vessel walls, the medication promotes an increase in blood flow to certain parts of the body. The nature of sildenafil is that it sends most of the blood to your reproductive organs.

As you know, blood flow is vital for healthy erections. An influx of blood fills your penis and makes it hard. Steady circulation is necessary to maintain the erection for longer than just a minute or two.

Sildenafil is designed to provide a boost of circulation to your penis to keep the erection for more than just a few minutes—up to hours, in some cases!

Viagra will NOT cause an erection on its own. You must be sexually aroused/stimulated for it to work. The effects usually take 30-60 minutes to kick in.

Cialis 101

Cialis is the brand name for tadalafil, another medication intended to relax the muscles in your blood vessels and increase blood flow to your penis.

It’s not only used to treat erectile dysfunction, however, but it is also prescribed for benign prostatic hyperplasia, also known as an enlarged prostate.

Note: Adcirca is another brand of tadalafil, but it’s intended to treat pulmonary arterial hypertension rather than ED. Cialis cannot be mixed with Adcirca unless specifically recommended by your doctor.

Why to Stop Viagra and Cialis

As you can see, both Viagra and Cialis are intended to treat erectile dysfunction and promote healthier, longer, and stronger erections.

However, like any medication, there are a lot of reasons you may need to stop taking them.

The most common, of course, is allergic reactions. A surprising number of people develop allergy symptoms—rashes, skin discoloration, flushed skin, itching, hives, swelling, etc.—as a result of taking Cialis or Viagra.

Both medications can cause negative allergic reactions, though they tend to be fairly minor. Very few cases of anaphylactic shock as a result of tadalafil or sildenafil have been recorded.

If you notice any of the symptoms mentioned above, it’s recommended you stop taking Viagra or Cialis. Consult your doctor to find out what’s causing the allergy.

Of course, another very important reason to stop taking Viagra or Cialis is if you are on other medication. If you visit the websites for either Cialis or Viagra, you’ll find there is a staggeringly long list of medications that could have negative interactions with the ED medications. A few of the medications contra-indicated for use with Viagra and Cialis include:

  • Nitrates
  • Alpha-blockers
  • HIV protease inhibitors
  • Oral antifungal medications
  • Some antibiotics
  • High blood pressure medications
  • Other ED medications
  • Revatio, another sildenafil medication
  • Adcirca, another tadalafil medication
  • Guanylate cyclase stimulators

There are at least two dozen medications you CANNOT take with Viagra or Cialis.

Of course, the risk of negative medication interactions is just one of the potential side effects of the ED drugs. On both the Viagra and Cialis websites, there is a list of side effects that could occur when taking the medication:

  • Priapism, or an erection that lasts longer than four hours (Don’t make any important decisions if this happens… likely not enough blood to the head on your shoulders)
  • Headaches
  • Indigestion
  • Back Pain
  • Flushing
  • Running or stuffy nose
  • Muscle aches
  • Sudden vision  loss—in both or just one eye
  • Sudden decrease or loss of hearing

What’s worse is that the side effects are only those that could potentially affect healthy males. For those with health conditions, Viagra and Cialis are both contraindicated.

In fact, both websites clearly state that you should NOT take Viagra or Cialis if you have any of the following health conditions:

  • Heart problems
  • Low or high blood pressure
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Kidney or liver problems
  • A history of strokes
  • Severe vision loss
  • Stomach ulcers or bleeding
  • Retinitis pigmentosa
  • Blood cell problems, like sickle cell anemia
  • Peyronie’s disease

As you can see, the potential negative effects of these medications are fairly high. While they can improve the quality of your erections, the truth is that it may not be worth it if you have to deal with these effects. If you’re taking medications or have any history of the problems mentioned above, it’s time to stop taking both Viagra and Cialis.

Did you know that Viagra and Cialis addiction is a real problem? Not only are older men (above the age of 40) taking these medications to combat real ED problems, but even younger men are taking them to deal with performance anxiety caused by everything from psychological issues to porn overuse to financial pressure.

A friend of mine utilized a 3000 year old natural fix to help guys quit Viagra and Cialis and enjoy a natural healthy remedy.

Drug abuse is another problem that has become more common in the last few years. Both older and younger men are taking more Viagra or Cialis than is safe or healthy, as they feel it is required to keep up their sexual performance.

They come to rely on the medications to not only improve their performance in bed, but actually to enhance it. The combination of Viagra/Cialis and ecstasy or amphetamines can lead to “sextasy”, or a hyper-sexualized state of pleasure.

The abuse of Viagra and Cialis can often lead to promiscuous and risky behavior, including an increased chance of STDs as a result of unprotected sex.

Men who abuse Viagra or Cialis often miss work as a result of uncontrolled erections, sleep deprivation, and exhaustion—the result of sexual OVER-activity.

Finally, some men notice that the erectile dysfunction drugs stop working over time. Independent studies have indicated that Viagra and Cialis are effective in 50-60% of cases, rather than the 75-85% of cases claimed by the makers of these drugs.

The human body can build up a tolerance to the medication if taken regularly, meaning the drug becomes less effective as time passes. The risk of negative side effects, however, remains consistent or even INCREASES with time.

The sad truth is that there are a lot of reasons to consider stopping your use of Viagra or Cialis. If your health is suffering, you’re experiencing a lot of side effects, or you’re becoming more and more dependent on the ED drugs, it’s time to think about quitting.

Sex is a very important part of life, but not so important that you should put your health at risk!

How to Stop Viagra or Cialis

Viagra and Cialis have often proved to be a “mixed blessing”. While the medication can help to improve your sex life, it can also lead to health problems, side effects, and even dependence (as seen above). Both ED drugs are also VERY pricey, and they can make it hard for your partner to keep up.

If you’re considering quitting Viagra or Cialis, be prepared for a bit of a rough ride. Most of the people who have taken ED drugs for more than a few months have developed a dependency on it—psychological and emotional, even if not physical.

So how can you stop taking these ED drugs?

Step #1: Get in the right mindset. The truth is that the male ego is VERY strongly connected to their sexual prowess. Between your high testosterone levels, the instinctive urge to procreate, and your sex drive, it can be hard to imagine going back to a life without the sex-boosting medications. You think about having sex once a week or once a month, and you cringe.

But here’s what you need to think: you’re doing it for your health. Perhaps you’re experiencing negative side effects, or you’re becoming dependent on it for the “rush” that comes with sex. Just like you’d quit coffee or nicotine if it caused negative effects, the same holds true for Viagra and Cialis. Get in the mindset of “I’m doing this for my health”, and it will be much easier to quit!

Step #2: Commit to finding other solutions for ED. These two medications aren’t the only way you can treat your erectile difficulties. There are many things you can do to improve the strength and length of your erections without using medications, including:

  • Losing weight/getting your BMI back down to healthy levels.
  • Using DHEA injections.
  • Taking L-arginine supplements to stimulate blood flow naturally.
  • Taking Ginseng supplements to improve sexual function.

These natural remedies for ED can help to seriously increase your sexual function, making your encounters more pleasurable and longer-lasting.

Talk with your doctor to find out what you can do to treat ED without taking Cialis or Viagra. If the medications are causing negative effects in your life, it’s time to quit, no matter what!

Step #3: Get it out of your house. You know the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” It’s easy to fall into the trap of taking Viagra or Cialis if you have it handy. However, if you DON’T restock after taking the last “little blue pill”, it will be much easier to resist temptation.

Plan to quit the use of these ED medications after your prescription runs out. Resist the urge to buy more!

Step #4: Cold turkey or slow drip. Some people prefer to quit “cold turkey”, by cutting off all use of the medication at once. For others, it’s a “slow drip” process, slowly weaning themselves off the medications until they’re completely clean.

Figure out what works for you. Try the cold turkey method first, but if you fail, slowly wean yourself off Viagra and Cialis.

Step #6: Engage in other activities. There are so many things you can do to fill your life with happiness and fulfillment, even if you’re not having sex (or less of it). You and your spouse/partner can enjoy a rich, full life by engaging in activities that get you out of the house.

Worried you’re not feeling the “rush” that comes with great sex? Here are some thrilling activities to give you that rush:

  • Skiing and snowboarding
  • Surfing and water sports
  • Paintball
  • Parasailing
  • Rock climbing
  • Stand-up comedy shows

Basically, any activity that raises your dopamine and serotonin levels will help you to feel better. In fact, the boost to your neurochemicals can lead to higher testosterone levels, which may actually lead to better erections naturally. Even if you can’t have sex as often as you’d like, you can still fill your life with satisfying, thrilling activities.

Step #7: Relax and quit stressing. There is always the fear that your decreased sexual performance will be a problem in your relationship or make you a less-than-suitable romantic prospect. Don’t let it stress you out!

Many couples lead happy lives even with very little sex in it.

Did you know that stress is a major contributor to ED? Relax, and you may find it’s easier to get erections naturally. You may not even need Viagra or Cialis—all you need is something to stop you from worrying!


Viagra or Cialis are two of the most commonly used medications for dealing with ED, but they’re not your ONLY solution for a happy, fulfilled life. If you find you need to quit (due to the reasons mentioned above), the advice here will help you take the steps to do so effectively. You can still have a great life even without taking medications to improve your sex life.