
Powerful Testosterone Breakfast Foods nutrition

Let’s look at some powerful testosterone breakfast foods to give you a hormonal boost to your day.

But first, is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? You’ll hear a lot of people arguing that it is, saying that it’s the meal that starts off your day right, or it...

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Understanding Estrogen In Men nutrition

It is critical to have a decent handle on understanding of the role of estrogen in men. Estrogen is one of the two most important hormones in the male body.

Let’s quickly review mission critical information.

For men, testosterone is the #1 hormone! Top Dog… El Cabron (in...

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How to Stop Viagra or Cialis and Why You Should nutrition

How to stop Viagra or Cialis is a question that is on many guys minds. They are concerned about the long term health risk.

I would be too.

Viagra and Cialis are the two most commonly-taken erectile drugs for men suffering from erectile difficulties—which affect up to 40% of men ...

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How Radical Diets Kill Your Testosterone nutrition

Obesity is one of the greatest threats to healthy testosterone levels. Many, many studies have linked obesity to low testosterone levels. Excess body weight can lead to hypogonadism, with 75% of obese men suffering from low testosterone output. It makes sense that going on a diet to...

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10 Reasons Why You Need To Change Your Fuel nutrition

Diet… Everybody’s favourite word. What if instead, you thought in terms of performance and rather than nutrition. Perhaps you think of it more like your engine instead of your body.

Most of us (myself included) cringe when we hear the word “diet”. We tend to equate the...

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CBD Oil – The Upside Of Mary Jane nutrition

Marijuana has been, and continues to be, one of the most controversial topics in the country. On one hand, you have critics who cite the many potential side effects of marijuana, including short term memory problems, anxiety, lowered reaction, time, coordination problems, and more. On the...

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What Causes Hormone Imbalance in Men nutrition

A hormone imbalance in men or women can have devastating effects on health and wellness. While there are many environmental factors that contribute, I want to focus your attention on xenoestrogens and the impact they can have on your endocrine system.

Estrogen is one of the two most important...

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5 Important Micronutrients for Men nutrition

Im going to outline the 5 most important micronutrients for men because if you neglect these, you run the risk of not only poor physical health, but poor mental health. Additionally we will look at how you can increase them naturally if you need to.

One of the jobs I had prior to policing was in...

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Are Modern Diets Destroying Your Sex Drive? nutrition

As I enjoyed the Seattle Seahawks game live last Sunday I was struck by an announcement running in the guys washroom. It was talking about how “advanced” the nutrition systems in schools have become…offering a wide range of “low fat” selections and other garbage the...

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Is Quinoa An Erection Food? nutrition

Quinoa might just be the perfect erection food.  Like kale or Goji berries, quinoa (pronounced keen-wa) is one of those foods that have become UBER-popular in the last few years.

Admittedly, until I started to really examine men’s health issues I had no idea how many guys suffer from...

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What NOT to do when trying to Lose Belly Fat nutrition

When we talk about “healthy weight loss” and belly fat, we’re not just talking about dropping a few pounds. You can be close to a “normal” weight but still be wildly unhealthy. The true measure of your fitness has nothing to do with the number on your scale. It has...

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Best Ways to Prevent Aging nutrition

So what are the best ways to prevent aging? Read on to discover some very solid strategies to recapture the glory days. I for one don’t necessarily want to live longer, but I do want to be doing the same things at 80 as I do at 45 years old.

Getting older is a drag. All guys would like to...

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